Friday, November 6, 2009



speaking in tongues.....

This i have to experience to believe......SO many people fake having "religious
and too many people are quick to believe it. I'm not saying it doesn't exist,
all i'm saying
is question those who say they experienced it.....I bellieve in the theory of
the chemical
imbalance in your head, thus making people do certain things out of the norm.
people just want attention and will do just about anything to get
kids throwing
tantrums in the middle of the mall in order to get what they want. Or people
who claim to
have seen the "Virgin MAry" carved in a tree or whatever.....

mass culture influence

I can see how mass culture can influence an individual to act a certain way and
believe it's
true. ANd this is true with religion in general. I don't believe in the bible as
much as i
believe in the monster hidding in my closet. A made up story passed on
generation to
generation infecting and spreading us throughout the years. I think its a
wonderful piece
of fiction, and the commandments makes sense, common sense, but as to "believe"
in it, i
just don't swallow it. ANd i agree with Dr. Lane, Every one reads it the way they
want to
read it, take from it what they want and leave the rest out. SO in other words,
take out
what's convenient to them, what makes sense to them, reinforcing their beliefs
of what
they believe is "right." I'll quote to people who said it best....

"A lie gets halfway around the
world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."
-- - Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

"If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."
-- Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)


  1. there was a scientist or psychologist, something like that, who experienced a stroke and was able to record her experience, she said that it felt like a religious experience even though she knew she was having a stroke.
    a sociology teacher, i dont know if he still teaches at lb state, but he said that he attended this mass church thing where "healers" were present and said that they would heel the ill. well he was one chosen and told them he had chronic back aches. SO all they did was yell in his ears and hit his head and made him feel worse at the moment, but when they asked him "did we heal you son" he said yes. the social influence and peer pressure made him lie to 1000+ people.
    also i believe it was karl marx that said "religion is the opiate of the masses"

  2. word! I had this amazing Professor, Dr. Lane for my religious class and he opened my eyes like never before.
